About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Ensayos Revista de Economía (Ensayos Journal of Economics) is a specialized journal that publishes original research papers of high academic rigor in the fields of economics, statistics, and social science. The journal publishes articles that employ a theoretical model as a support or a statistical or econometric methodology for proving a hypothesis. The journal’s objective is the diffusion of innovative scientific studies on current topics in the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, industrial organization, labor economics, financial economics, international economics, growth, and development, focusing on Mexico, Latin America, and Spain. The journal is refereed by the double-blinded process. It is published semiannually, in May and November, in English and Spanish. It is published online and in print format. The target public is researchers, graduate and postgraduate students, professionals in the area of economics, and the general public interested in the related fields.
Ensayos Revista de Economía is indexed in EconLit (American Economic Association), in the CRMCyT system of the CONACYT (Mexico), CLASE and Latindex. It can be consulted online in EBSCO and RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).
Peer Review Process
The peer-review process is double-blinded, following the next steps: First, every article shall be reviewed by the Chief Editor to evaluate if the paper is innovative, achieves the required academic rigor, and alignment with the journal’s areas of interest. Then, if the result of the first evaluation is favorable, two anonymous referees will review the article. Author names would not be revealed to peers (double-blinded review). Most referees are external to our institution, and in most cases from other countries. In the case of a wide disagreement between the first two evaluations, a third one will be used to settle the final decision. Lastly, after having received all necessary reviews, final approval is subject to changes in style, format, and content.
Possible outcomes of the Peer Review process are:
1) Accepted
2) Accepted with minor suggestions
2) Accepted only under the condition that corrections and/or justifications are provided to Peers
3) Rejected
Publication Frequency
Ensayos Revista de Economía (Ensayos Journal of Economics) is published semiannually, on January and July.
Open Access Policy
Ensayos Revista de Economía (Ensayos Journal of Economics) is open access; all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, as long as the content is not altered or mutilated and proper citation is used, including author's name, article's title, and the journal's website. We adhere to the BOAI definition of open access.
Ethical Criteria
Ensayos Journal of Economics follows the ethical norms from COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
All submitted articles will be reviewed by anti-plagiarism software. In the case of a high percentage of plagiarism, the article will be rejected and COPE recommendations will be followed. In cases where the percentage of text coincidence is low, the author might be requested to modify identified sections, as long as those sections are not critical to the originality of the article.
The code of conduct links for each of the participants in the publications process can be found below:
*Editors: Code of conduct and best practices, here.
*Authors: Editorial action flowcharts in the case of unethical conduct by authors, here.
*Peer reviewers: Code of conduct and best practices, here.
Journal History
Ensayos Journal of Economics was published in 1964 for the first time. Since 1990, it has been published continuously. Starting in 2007, the journal has published highly rigorous academic articles under the double-blind peer review scheme.
Each year, since 2006, the journal calls for papers to participate in the Economic Research Prize of Ensayos Journal of Economics. The purpose of this action is to incentivize the scientific output and to attract a greater number of articles. Researchers from the areas of economics, statistics, and social science are welcome to participate.
Articles that have been published since 2000 up to our last number can be consulted at our journal web page (www.ensayos.uanl.mx), and also in journal archives such as EBSCO and RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).
The journal has been indexed since 2010 in ECONLIT (American Economic Association), LATINDEX, and CLASE. In 2012, CONACYT incorporated our journal into the index IRMICyT (Scientific Research and Technologic Mexican Journals), an index that has been recently renamed as CRMCyT (Scientific Research and Technologic Mexican Journal Classification), in which the journal continues to be part.
Currently, the journal is managed by a Chief Editor, two Associate Editors, an Editorial Counsel —which is formed by expert economists of international recognition—, and an Editorial Commité —renowned researchers with a doctor title who are affiliated to Mexican Universities and active members of the CONACYT's National System of Researchers.
A brief history of Chief Editors:
Erick Rangel (Ohio State University) 2007-2008
Joana Chapa (Universitat de Barcelona) 2008-2010
Cinthya Camaal (University of Essex) 2010-2014
Daniel Flores (Rice University) 2014-2016
Edgar M. Luna (University of Washington) 2016-2022
Jorge Omar Moreno Treviño (The University of Chicago) 2022 - up to date.