Interrelation Between International Competitiveness and Human Development in the Asia-Pacific Region

Interrelación entre la competitividad internacional y el desarrollo humano en la región Asia-Pacífico




Competitivity, Human Development, PLS


A lot has been said about the impact of competitiveness on both the human development and wellbeing of the population of a country. Yet, this is a contested subject due to the almost non-existent nature of this relationship. This paper aims to identify the interrelation between the variables of international competitiveness (technology, market size, and international trade) and those regarding human development like education, income, and health, for the Asia-Pacific region in the period from 2010 to 2019; by using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. The application of this technique is one of the original elements of the present study and the social impact represented by knowing which variables and indicators of competitiveness permeate the social development of economies. The results show a relationship between the variables analyzed, being the closest relationship with the variable income.


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Author Biographies

América Ivonne Zamora Torres, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Secretaría Académica del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales, Directora del centro de Estudios APEC y profesora investigadora

Mitchell Rigel Ortiz Zamora, Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia

Estudiante de posgrado Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial


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How to Cite

Zamora Torres, A. I., & Ortiz Zamora, M. R. (2021). Interrelation Between International Competitiveness and Human Development in the Asia-Pacific Region: Interrelación entre la competitividad internacional y el desarrollo humano en la región Asia-Pacífico. Ensayos Revista De Economía, 40(2), 189–214.