Reviewer's guideliness

Peers that are invited to participate as evaluators are requested to confirm their collaboration during the following week.

Evaluations are to be done online. A username and password will be provided along with the invitation.

Once peer reviewers accept to participate, the Review Format should be filled in no later than six weeks after acceptance.

Please also upload your comments to authors in form of a letter in Word or PDF format.

It is expected that peers that are not experts in the field of the article, or well qualified to perform the evaluation, decline the invitation by letting the editor know the reason.

In any case, it will be greatly appreciated from declining researchers to provide a peer recommendation that might perform the review for the journal.

Additionally, it is expected from peer reviewers to follow the code of conduct by COPE. It can be accessed here.

For further information, please check the guide and checklist for preparing a reviewer report from Berk et al. (2016A and 2016B).

Berk, Jonathan B., Harvey, Campbell R. and Hirshleifer, David A., Preparing a Referee Report: Guidelines and Perspectives (November 21, 2016 A). Available at SSRN: or
Berk, Jonathan B., Harvey, Campbell R. and Hirshleifer, David A., A Checklist for Reviewing a Paper (December 21, 2016 B). Duke I&E Research Paper No. 2017-03; Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 17-6. Available at SSRN: or