Modeling the Dynamics, Volatilities and Interrelations of the Mexican, Brent and WTI Oil Returns
Oil returns, MME, Brent, WTI, Multivariate GARCH modelsAbstract
We study the dynamics, volatilities, and interrelations of the Mexican (MME), Brent and WTI oil returns with twelve multivariate GARCH models. The main results suggest that: 1) The volatility of MME is bigger than the one of the WTI but smaller than the one of Brent. 2) The AR (1)-TGARCH (1,1) model with a multivariate t-Student distribution is the best one to describe the returns. 4) There are some interrelations among the volatilities of returns, and 4) good and bad news have asymmetric impacts on the volatilities. The study uses daily data of oil spot prices and their returns for the period 01/03/2000- 11/02/2016.
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