The vulnerability of the Yucatecan economy to limitations in the availability of groundwater. An input-output approach.
La vulnerabilidad de la economía yucateca ante limitaciones en la disponibilidad de agua subterránea. Un enfoque de insumo producto
Groundwater, Input Output Table, Shadow Price, Value Added Multiplier, Water MultiplierAbstract
This study was conducted with two objectives: determining the productive sectors that are vulnerable to possible limitations in the availability of groundwater and estimating a shadow price that reflects the importance of the resource in the regional economic system. In order to achieve these goals, we estimated value added water indices and water shadow prices that are based on the regional input-output table (RIOT) 2003. The results indicate that agriculture, livestock, food, electrical and power generation products are vulnerable, while trade and services are less not vulnerable. Regarding the shadow, price yields a value of $ 4 to $ 14.96 pesos per m3 for general use and $ 28 to $ 104.71 for industrial and commercial use.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Lilian Albornoz, Hilda Guerrero García-Rojas, Daniel Adrián
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