Oil Prices and Economic Activity in Mexico
Los precios del petróleo y la actividad económica en México
Oil, Economic activity, Spillovers, Endogenous structural change, MexicoAbstract
We study the interdependence between oil prices and economic activity in Mexico using an analysis of static and dynamic spillovers in the time and frequency domains. The main findings show that: 1) The relationships between oil prices and economic activity have fluctuated over time; 2) variations in oil prices have short-run effects and their volatilities have long-run effects on economic activity; 3) MAYA oil prices have the main interdependences with economic activity; 4) the highest net spillovers between oil prices and economic activity occurred between April 2009 and June 2012. The study uses a series of variations and monthly volatilities of the spot oil prices MAYA, WTI, and Brent, and the IGAE indicator from February 1993 to December 2019.
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