Health infrastructure and social mobility in Nuevo León

Infraestructura de salud y movilidad social en Nuevo León




health, equity, inequality, intergenerational social mobility


Objective: To analyze whether the existence of medical services, from primary to specialized care, is related to the upward social mobility of the population of Nuevo León. Methodology: Using the ESRU-EMOVI Nuevo León 2021 survey, the matrices of social mobility in the presence and absence of medical services were compared. Results: The presence of nearby medical services increases upward social mobility from 6 to 37 percentage points, i.e., up to 4 out of 10 people are associated with a better socioeconomic level. Limitations: There is scarce information on public health infrastructure inventories at the local level since 1970. Contributions: Our study is the first to analyze the relationship between social mobility and medical services infrastructure by level of care. Conclusions: The insufficient number of health care units in Nuevo León creates inequalities due to the lack of opportunities to access this service, which has an impact on social mobility, especially in women.


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Author Biographies

Araceli Ortega, Econoquanty (Análisis Económico Cuantitativo)

Araceli Ortega Díaz is a Researcher at the Research Institute for Development with Equity (EQUIDE) of Universidad Iberoamericana. She was the Research Director of EGOB (2014-2015) at Tec de Monterrey, where she taught for 12 years (2008-2020), and 2 years at UANL (2021-2022). Her research and publications relate to quantitative models to assess public policies to reduce poverty and inequality. She has been the leader in Mexico for several international projects like Agri-food Systems Targeted Applied Research (ASTAR), Stochastic Production Frontiers and food value chains for FAO, NOPOOR European Commission FP7 framework. She has long taught econometrics, social programs evaluation, and research seminars. She is a national researcher Tier 2 (S.N.I. 2), holds a PhD in Economics from Essex University, MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from LSE, MSc in Science Commercialization CIMAV-Texas-I2T2, MSc in Economics from Colmex and BSc in Actuarial Science from UNAM. She was the Chief Advisor at the Underministry of Middle Education (2007-200), and Underministry of Prospective, Planning and Evaluation (2005-2006). In the Private sector she worked as Risk Manager of Financial Derivatives in MexDer-Asigna 1996-1998.


She has led research and government teams, produce books and peer review papers, and is open to work with her consultancy firm for any cause that improved lives of people.


Coauthor, Consultora independiente

Cristina is an independent consultant and speaker in the health sector. She is an actuary from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a PhD in Actuarial Mathematics from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. She has worked as a technical consultant since 1994 in the areas of actuarial science, economics, and finance applied to health sector processes for various public, private, and academic institutions in Mexico and the United Kingdom. She has worked as a managerial staff and project leader developed by high-performance interdisciplinary and international teams on health economics topics that have contributed to the technical strengthening of both the Mexican health system and the British insurance system. She collaborated with the Economic Analysis Unit of the Secretariat of Health of the Mexican Federal Government, the Finance Directorate at the central level of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, the Center for Demographic Studies and Urban Development of El Colegio de México, as well as the program of support for sustainable development Better Health Mexico of the British government and the Center for Research in Genetics and Insurance of the University of Heriot-Watt in Scotland. Cristina served as Mexico's representative to the Health Committee of the OECD and to the Health Economics area of the PAHO. She is currently a consultant on health-related quality of life for both the Mexican General Health Council and the Mexican Association of the Pharmaceutical Innovation Industry. Cristina has developed academic activities that have allowed her to collaborate as a co-editor of a book, co-author of three chapters in books, and of more than 20 articles published in actuarial, economic, medical, and public health journals. Cristina has also served as a professor at the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM, teaching assistant in the Actuarial Department at the University of Heriot-Watt, and examiner of the 01. Statistics exam of the Faculty/Society of British Actuaries.


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How to Cite

Ortega, A., & Gutierrez, C. (2024). Health infrastructure and social mobility in Nuevo León: Infraestructura de salud y movilidad social en Nuevo León. Ensayos Revista De Economía, 1(1), 85–122.



Ensayos Edición Especial: Concurso de artículos de investigación "Premio ESRU-EMOVI 2022"

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