Analysis of multiregional economic impact of a disaster in Mexico. Hurricane Alex in the northeast of the country in 2010
Análisis de impacto económico multirregional de un desastre en México. El huracán Alex en el noreste del país en 2010
input-product analysis, footprint of a disaster, economic impact of disasters, multi-region indirect costsAbstract
This document analyses the economic effects of
Hurricane Alex in Mexico in 2010, considered the most
destructive in Mexico in the recent half century. To do
this, a methodology based on multi-regional input-output
analysis is applied. With the model, direct and indirect
economic costs are calculated, both in the region of
impact of the phenomenon and in the rest of the world.
The findings show that indirect costs represent 20% of
total costs and that, out of such indirect costs, 15.6%
occurred abroad, mainly in the United States, and 84.4%
occurred in the national territory.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Alfonso Mercado Garcia, David Mendoza-Tinoco, Alba Verónica Méndez Delgado

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