Heterogeneous Diversity Index: A measure of variability and disparity
Índice de Diversidad Heterogénea: una medida de variabilidad y disparidad
heterogeneity, inequality, Gini, allocation of goods, human development indexAbstract
This paper proposes a new heterogeneity index that compares two vectors, one for observations and the other for expected values. A particular case arises when the expected vector has the same entries in all of its elements, thus, the proposed index serves as a measure of inequality. The geometric and analytical construction of the proposed index gives it mathematical robustness, in addition to its wide range of applications in different disciplines such as economics, statistics and sociology. In this work, we have applied the index to topics such as the allocation of goods, and human development, and minimum wage analysis, obtaining quite satisfactory results.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Luz Judith Rodríguez Esparza, Julio César Macías Ponce, Roberto Alejandro Kú Carrillo

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