Economic growth in Mexico: restriction due to the balance of payments

Crecimiento económico en México: restricción por la balanza de pagos


  • Ana Lourdes Morones Carrillo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC)



Economic growth, Exports, Thirwall’s Law, Mexico, Cointegation


The paper analyzes the Thirlwall’s Law for Mexico during 1993-2014. It includes unit roots and cointegration tests that incorporate endogenous structural breaks. The cointegration vector in the theoretical context suggests growth is constrained by the balance of payments in Mexico. The economic growth rate for the period is greater than the balance of payments equilibrium growth rate, what implied trade deficit. The results suggest a structural change to discourage imports and add value to exports.


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Author Biography

Ana Lourdes Morones Carrillo, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC)

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) (Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas). Dirección: ITR de Tijuana #2321-B2, Otay Tecnológico, CP. 22454, Tijuana Baja California


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How to Cite

Morones Carrillo, A. L. (2016). Economic growth in Mexico: restriction due to the balance of payments: Crecimiento económico en México: restricción por la balanza de pagos. Ensayos Revista De Economía, 35(1), 39–58.




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